in 10 years,
i’ve had my heart broken 3 times, dented a 4th and 5th
i’ve lived in 4 apartments, in 2 states
with 7 different roommates
i’ve studied 3 kinds of spiritual practice
been in the presence of The Dalai Lama twice
and followed the advice of 1 spiritual psychic
i’ve voted in 2 presidential elections
and elected the winning candidate 1 time
i’ve celebrated 1 birthday with a date
9 without
10 in the company of good friends
i’ve survived all 10 holiday seasons alone
and kissed 3 men on new years eve-
two of whom were strangers
i’ve worked in 4 different schools
been promoted 3 times
and almost tripled my yearly income
i’ve gone through 2 yoga teacher trainings
and earned 1 Masters degree
i’ve become an aunt twice
i’ve married 1 couple
i’ve traveled outside of the country 1 time
inside the country 5 or 6
i’ve broken 0 bones
but did herniate 1 disk
i’ve spent approximately $120,000 on rent
but have still managed to build a shoe collection numbering near 30 pairs,
i regularly wear about 12 of them
and have never worn 2
i’ve lost 15 pounds, dropped 2 clothing sizes, and 1 bra size
i’ve had 5 different hairstyles
and 3 different hairstylists
i’ve had 0 valentines
0 kisses under mistletoe
0 romantic weekends away
0 love letters
0 hugs at the door at the end of the day
0 dates to my own parties
i’ve gotten 6 tattoos
planted 6 gardens
and received flowers from a lover 1 time
i’ve taught about 150 kids
read 100’s of books
but can only remember about 20 of them
i’ve ridden the NYC subway system more than 3,000 times
have had at least 4,000 cups of coffee
and probably just as many beers
i’ve had 3 email addresses
been on 5 dating websites
met 2 men i liked on them
0 turned into anything worth mentioning
i’ve been to 2 therapists
who taught me nothing about myself
i’ve spent well over 117,000 minutes in yoga poses
completed about 10,000 sun salutations
1,000 headstands
4,000 heart openers
and millions of ujjayi breaths
i’ve dropped the f-bomb over 11,000 times
and regretted it just twice
i’ve been in love 4 times
was loved back only once
and twice turned down possible love to protect someone else
i’ve seen every female friend i have, except 2, coupled off
i’ve had 2 friends elope
counseled 2 friends to leave their husbands
witnessed 0 friends get divorced
i’ve been joyous at the birth of 10 babies
i’ve grieved the death of 1 grandparent
1 family dog
and countless dreams
i’ve aged 10 years
look 10 years younger than i am
and don’t know how many years i feel
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